A Lifeloc Sentinel automatic breathalyzer introduced to a local mine with approximately 2000 employees can test every single one of them for alcohol before allowing them on site: a vast improvement on the previous capability of randomly testing just 30%. The mine’s employees pass quickly through five turnstiles daily without bottlenecks.
Automated alcohol testing improves efficiencies
The Lifeloc Sentinel breathalyzer supplied to this mine and others is ideal for any safety sensitive environment where there is a zero-tolerance for alcohol in the workplace. The unit is wall mounted and does not require an operator.
“This means security personnel that previously tested employees for alcohol can now be deployed and used more effectively elsewhere on site,” said Michael Crossland, PSA Product Manager.
PSA is the exclusive South African distributor of the Lifeloc Sentinel. Each instrument they install can perform 360 breath alcohol tests an hour, as opposed to traditional handheld testers which operate at about 60 tests an hour, resulting in no delays at entry points.
Alcohol testing quick and easy with Lifeloc Sentinel
Rapid alcohol testing rates are possible because the Lifeloc Sentinel provides automatic testing with no human intervention. A colour LCD screen guides employees easily through the process using internationally recognized colour icons. Users are prompted to blow into the entry port, automatically triggering the two second alcohol test, and there is no mouthpiece to cause health concerns
Test recovery time between subjects is immediate on negative (no alcohol) results and less than 20 seconds on positives. The device can be connected to a card swipe machine or other biometric devices that monitor employee timecards. Test results are instantly relayed to the access control system to allow the employee through the turnstile, or deny them entry on a positive for alcohol reading.
“The Sentinel is now used extensively in SA mines and other safety-sensitive industries looking to prevent workplace substance abuse and improve their safety performance. It suits the needs of our diverse population and works seamlessly in industries with a large workforce,” said Crossland.